Habitaciones y precios

Dormitorios / 3 beds

info habitacion

• Baño compartido en el corredor
• Luz de cama
• Enchufe y casillero por cama
• Una litera y una cama individual
• Colchones Comfort con soporte extra (antialérgico)

Arte de Maarten Leenknecht

3 personas Desde 28 euro por cama

We have family discounts at KaBa Hostel
• Children under the age of 3: free
• Children under the age of 12: 25% discount

How to book?
Online, simply click on the ‘Book now’. Check the availability and fill out your details. We will ask your Visa or Mastercard details to withdraw the due amount in case of a late cancellation of the booking. The booking itself can be paid upon arrival at the reception with Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Bancontact or cash.
By calling us or sending us an email. In this case, we will ask you to transfer the due amount beforehand onto the KaBa Hostel account BE02 7370 3592 8540 indicating your name and date of booking.
Last minute bookings and group bookings need to be arranged by phone!